Our Life on Christ

Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Illegal Aliens," do you want to stay forever?

I am on a journey to read the entire Bible, cover to cover. I don’t have a set timeframe—let’s just say, sometime before I die.

This morning, I opened up to where I ended yesterday: Exodus (whew, do I have a long way to go!). Exodus 22:21 reads:

Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt.

Later in the next chapter, aliens are again discussed. Exodus 23:9 says:

Do not oppress an alien; you yourselves know how it feels to be an alien because you were aliens in Egypt.

Now, I have never been to Egypt and I would never consider myself as having been an “alien” in any point of my life but I still feel that this instruction applies to us today.

The 2006 census recorded that 0.8 percent of the US population identifies themselves as Native American. Not even 1 percent! So, dear reader, it is almost a certainty that your great-great-umpteenth-great grandpappy and mammy descended from some far away land. They migrated here hoping to gain access to increased wages, a higher quality education, and better living conditions for themselves and their family. No matter the reason, they would still be considered—duhn duhn duhn—an alien. Their decision has affected their entire alien family line—all the way up to you.


Many people—many who say they are Christians—are very much opposed to other peoples migrating to “our” land. What if all those years ago your distant relative was not allowed to live here?

I am not very political so maybe there are valid reasons as to why so many people are against “aliens.” Please share. I must pose these questions, though: In the battle between Jesus and politics, who wins? How would Jesus feel about illegal aliens in the United States?

I feel that God cannot be taken out of the equation—ever. I cannot hold a Christian viewpoint for certain issues, and then switch to a worldly viewpoint for other issues. I am a Christian all the time. My opinions and decisions are based on my love for God and His will.

I personally do not have a problem with immigrants in “our” country. Do you? Why or why not? What do you think God feels about this issue?


  1. I think many of the policies actually make things worse. My great-grandmother paid a truck driver to say she was his wife when he came across the Canadian border. So she was an illegal immigrant. My great-Grandfather came to the US to work, but then while hear let it be known through channels that he was leaving my great grandmother and married another woman (no idea if he told the other woman that he was already married.) When my great grandmother found out she came to Canada (where she could get in) made some money and came to the US and found him. The two girls were left in Finland with family. My grandmother and her sister were sent for and came over on a boat on their own at 12 and 10. My grandmother grew up in poverty in Harlem (New York City). She was not prevented from getting an education or a drivers license and she paid taxes and merged into society.

    Right now, most state do not allow drivers licenses (or do not allow insurance) so people violate the law to travel. You used to be able to pay taxes without a SS# but now that is harder, so because it is hard to pay taxes people are violating tax laws. And as the Kennesaw student has shown it is not easy to go to school and get an education that will lead to a better life.

  2. I don't have a problem with "aliens" in America. I'm not a political person either so I try not to engage in to many political debates. One thing I will say is that I believe that all boarders should be opened. Unless, and I repeat unless, the Bible is against it. I don't have a clue if the Bible speaks against opening boarders for anyone at anytime. Just my thoughts.

  3. Great post Wil. Loved the use of the word.

  4. Martel, thanks for visiting. As always we appreciate your comments. I hope to see you back and often.
